Azure Resorts is being sold off .

posted 27th December 2019
If you purchased a Timeshare from Azure Resorts in Malta then now is the time to make a No Win No Fee claim. Thousands of Azure clients have fallen foul of the multi-million-pound resale scam that has left its clients with massive loans with Barclays Partner Finance and worthless Timeshare apartments.
We have already been contacted by over 100 clients that spent more than £20,000 on so-called investment programmes. A programme with encouraged clients to invest in Timeshare apartments with the promise of massive returns on their money. This same resale scam started at their sister company, Resort Properties in Tenerife, which has also closed down after thousands of clients also became victims of resale investments.
Many of you will of heard that the 'new' team at Golden Sands are pedalling XP Points which is just another way to make more money from you and pass off their resale obligations.
If you paid for your Timeshare in Malta using a credit card or with Barclays Partner, Finance then give us a call We will submit a 100% No Win No Fee claim to get back all of your money. Your claim can be filed under Section 75 of the consumer credit act. We have several articles on our website about finance claims.
Many of you will have had a cold call asking you to pay money upfront to get out of your Timeshare and make a claim. IGNORE these people; your details have been illegally obtained, and you could jeopardise getting your money back.
Call us today; we can offer free advice and guidance to help you get back what is rightfully yours.