Your Timeshare Exit Options Explained

1) 14 day cooling off period
If you have just purchased a Timeshare, then you may still have time to cancel.
Most Timeshare sellers offer a 14 day cooling period. However, this can vary depending on which country you were in when you purchased. If you have just bought in the USA, then the cooling off period changes from state to state.
If you have just purchased a Timeshare and also entered into a separate finance agreement, then more often than not, the two product contracts are different. For example, if you have just purchased Fractional ownership with Club La Costa in Spain, you will of also been signed up with Barclays Partner finance. Club la costa would lead you to believe that you have a 14 day cooling off period. However, the Barclays finance ends 14 days after the Fractional ownership cooling off period ends, therefore you are still able to turn down the Finance within 28 days of purchase.
Standard EU rules set out a standard cooling-off period to be 14 calendar days in which time you can decide to withdraw from your contract without giving any reason and without incurring monetary or legal penalties.
If you are unclear of the position you have found yourself in and would like some help then give us a quick call; we will be happy to offer you free advice.
Call us on 01872 308699

2) Contact your Timeshare resort directly
Some Timeshare companies will take back your Timeshare from you directly. Over the past ten years, Timeshare companies have tried there best to stop Timeshare owners like you making claims against them. Unlawful contracts and mis-sold products have all contributed to Timeshare owners like you winning compensation.
Your Timeshare company may offer for you to 'buy yourself out 'of your Timeshare contract, often also known as a 'Timeshare exit fee '. It is usually a costly way to rid yourself of your Timeshare. In most cases, costing more than what you originally paid for the Timeshare in the first place!
Most Timeshare exit policies offered by the Timeshare companies themselves will include a clause that prevents you from claiming compensation from them once you have paid your exit fee. Some Timeshare companies will also offer you to upgrade into an alternative product, which in turn cancels your long term contract. You will pay thousands of pounds to end up with another timeshare type product just with fewer years on the deal. Companies such as MGM (Petchy Leisure) and Diamond resorts are the main culprits of this type of sales tactic.
If you are unsure whether your resort is offering you a good Exit deal, then contact us for our free advice and guidance. You may be entitled to compensation. We can Exit you from your Timeshare without you paying any upfront fees. For more information or just some help and guidance, give us a call.
Call us on 01872 308699

3) Sell your Timeshare
Some people are still able to resell their Timeshares privately through websites such as eBay. However, most Timeshare resorts are accessible to the general public for holidays through sites such as thus giving no motivation to potential purchases to want to buy. The days of exclusive Timeshare resorts have vanished.
Unfortunately, 99% of Timeshare owners own unsellable Timeshares that hold no value and are more of a debt than an asset. High and increasing maintenance fees and poor value for money has seen Timeshare resorts become less desirable.
If you are one of the lucky Timeshare owners that have been able to find a buyer, then our advice would be to make sure you use a qualified transfer agent or solicitor to handle the transfer. Never pay upfront fees to someone that promises that they can sell your Timeshare for you.
If you are fed up of being ripped off and would like to exit your Timeshare without paying any upfront fees, then give us a call.
Call us on 01872 308699

If none of the above options is feasible, then we can offer you a guaranteed no upfront fee solution.
We can legally exit you from your Timeshare contract, and you might be liable for compensation or a refund.
We have helped over 500 Timeshare owners, and their families exit their contract and recover them money. Our track record speaks for itself.
Read our reviews then contact us 01872 308699