Trusted Timeshare Experts

posted 31st January 2020
Hello and welcome to Timeshare Termination Team in Truro.
Our team are specialists in Timeshare Contract Law and Timeshare Claims, so no matter what your situation is, we can help.
Our professional advice and guidance is completely free of charge and all of our services do not require the payment of any upfront fees. All timeshare claims are based on a 100% No Win No Fee basis.
2019 was a very busy year for us , we relinquished a record number of Timeshare contracts on behalf of our clients. We also had a large number of enquiries regarding the cancellation of unregulated finance agreements which are prevalent in the USA and Mexico.If you are unsure if your loan is legally enforceable then get in touch with us . You may qualify to have your loan written off .or the full amount plus compensation claimed back.
If you would like to prevent your family inheriting your Timeshare and stop your maintenance fees then just give us a call. Our friendly team will be happy to discuss your case and recommend the best way forward .
Call us today on 01872 308699.
Watch our short video to discover what we offer.